HP G-series laptop and Linux
HP slips out budget-minded G62m, Pavilion dv7t laptops -- Engadget
HP slips out budget-minded G62m, Pavilion dv7t laptops -- Engadget
wget http://people.fedoraproject.org/~jwrdegoede/v4l-utils-0.8.2-test.tar.gz
ls -d /usr/lib64
ls -d /usr/lib32
tar xvfz v4l-utils-0.8.2-test.tar.gz
cd v4l-utils-0.8.2-test/lib
make PREFIX=/usr
sudo make install PREFIX=/usr
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev
make clean
make PREFIX=/usr CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 LIBDIR=/usr/lib32
sudo make install PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=/usr/lib32
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype
cat /usr/bin/skype-wrapper
if [ ! -e ~/.Skype/shared.xml ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.Skype
cp /usr/share/skype/shared.xml ~/.Skype/shared.xml
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype "$@"
Ubuntu linux sound in headphones and speakers
Ubuntu sound problem in HP Dell Toshiba and other laptops and desktops
After more than a year since it's creation, the http://linux-best-seller-laptops.blogspot.com/ website has compiled information for many best seller laptop launchpad teams.
Right now, the HP G-series Launchpad team has more than 60 members, followed by the HP Envy series and the Lenovo G-series teams. Other teams in this linux best seller laptops website are the Sony Vaio E-series, the ASUS N-series and the Lenovo IdeaPad U-series, all of them with over ten team members and growing.
With Ubuntu 10.04 on the G72-110EL everything works out of the box, except for audio, but it's a quick fix:
-in System Administration: add the ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev repository
-in Terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-`uname -r`
This team is a group of Asus N-Series laptop
owners and/or developers interested in getting it to work 100% under
Linux (e.g., N61Jv, N61JV-X2, N71JV-X1,N61JQ-X1, N61JQ-A1, N71JQ-X1,
Asus N82Jv, etc).Please subscribe to this team if you are new. If you have 1 minute to
spare, please participate to the poll below:
http://www.doodle. com/xp3sfyu4e3z 9bs6c You can check the model and details of you laptop with these
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
sudo dmidecode -s system-version
lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+ \:\S+\] )/'
How to remove watermark reposted from BaffledMollusc
Quote:Right click on the desktop and choose Create Document -> Empty File
Call it something like "remove_watermark.sh"
Double click on the file you've created to open it in the text editor
Paste the following text into the text editorSave the file and close the text editorCode:#!/bin/sh
for x in $(objdump -d $DRIVER|awk '/call/&&/EnableLogo/{print "\\x"$2"\\x"$3"\\x"$4"\\x"$5"\\x"$6}'); do
sed -i "s/$x/\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90/g" $DRIVER
Right click on the desktop icon you've created and choose "Properties->Permissions"
Tick the box "allow executing file as program"
Close the properties dialog
Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
Type the following two lines into the terminal, pressing enter after each line
cd Desktop
sudo sh remove_watermark.sh
Now enter your login password when prompted
Finally log out and back in and the watermark will hopefully be gone!
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on an HP G60-458DX. No problems, and nothing like the blank screen problems Wade reported. However, the "clean install" was Ubuntu 9.10 and then I upgraded to 10.04.
Find here a HOWTO document on how to make the Linux b43 wireless driver work for laptops like the Lenovo G550: